Sequel of NANA the Movie
Nana 2 is the sequel to the Japanese movie Nana, an adaptation of the manga by Ai Yazawa, directed by Kentarô Ôtani. Production for the movie began in mid-September and only 1 and a half month shootings finished the movie in time for the December 9, 2006 release.
Nana Komatsu is pregnant with her first child, but Nana Oosaki seems to be stroke by it, since it is not the child of her friend Nobu, but of TRAPNEST's bassist Takumi. Both girls struggle through life, and try to keep their friendship from falling apart. More information on the story at NANA.
* Nana Komatsu (小松奈z93; Komatsu Nana): Yui Ichikawa
* Nana Osaki (大崎ナナ Ōsaki Nana): Mika Nakashima
* Ren Honjo (本城蓮 Honjō Ren, レン Ren): Nobuo Kyou
* Takumi Ichinose (一ノ瀬巧 Ichinose Takumi, タクミ Takumi): Tetsuji Tamayama
* Shinichi Okazaki (岡崎真一 Okazaki Shin'ichi) a.k.a. Shin: Hongo Kanata
* Nobuo Terashima (寺島伸夫 Terashima Nobuo) a.k.a. Nobu (ノブ: Hiroki Narimiya
* Reira Serizawa (芹澤レイラ Serizawa Reira): Yuna Ito
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